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Digitally verify your client’s identity at the precise point of digital document signing
Know with certainty that the person signing your documents is who they say they are. Livesign can also be used as a VOI standalone solution.
Contactless Digital Client Authorisation Forms (CAFs) powered by Livesign
Easier, faster, set and forget
Compliant digital CAF & VOI, available anywhere, anytime
Single point in time digital CAF & VOI reasonable steps
Livesign is a revolution in digital identity verification and document signing solutions
In today’s world, digital signing of documents is not just a convenience but a requirement. You need a means of validating a signature without face-to-face meetings. Livesign offers you complete confidence and saves you time and money.
Two Processes in One
Livesign combines digital verification of identity and digital signature into a single point-in-time process. This synchronisation at the precise point of signing lets you know with certainty that the person signing is who they say they are.
Secure & Convenient Data Storage
Livesign offers unsurpassed client privacy and data security. You don’t have to store any identification data or documents, and they can’t be lost or destroyed. Digital records are conveniently available from anywhere, at any time.
Less Time and Money
Save yourself time spent on administrative tasks, meetings and chasing up clients. One flat fee for each document pack is all you need to worry about. We take care of the rest.
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